Caption = "Select &the drive (only drive with enough space are displayed)"
Height = 195
Index = 3
Left = 90
TabIndex = 13
Top = 4725
Width = 6225
Begin Label Label3
BackStyle = 0 'Transparent
Caption = "Enter number of &Sheets (1 TO 10)"
Height = 195
Index = 2
Left = 90
TabIndex = 11
Top = 4350
Width = 6225
Begin Label Label3
BackStyle = 0 'Transparent
Caption = "Enter number of &Cols (1 TO 100)"
Height = 195
Index = 1
Left = 90
TabIndex = 9
Top = 3990
Width = 6225
Begin Line Line1
BorderColor = &H00FFFFFF&
BorderWidth = 2
Index = 2
X1 = 90
X2 = 7110
Y1 = 3510
Y2 = 3510
Begin Label Label3
BackStyle = 0 'Transparent
Caption = "Enter number of &Rows (1 TO 100)"
Height = 195
Index = 0
Left = 90
TabIndex = 7
Top = 3630
Width = 6225
Begin Label Label1
BackStyle = 0 'Transparent
Caption = "Before the beginning of the demonstration, you must enter the value of the 3 dimensions that you want to use. The input of the value are voluntary limited to 100 Rows, 100 Cols and 10 Sheets. This is done to limit the place of each array type on disk. You must have 7 Mb free on test drive for this demonstration."
Height = 825
Index = 3
Left = 90
TabIndex = 6
Top = 2610
Width = 7035
WordWrap = -1 'True
Begin Line Line1
BorderColor = &H00FFFFFF&
BorderWidth = 2
Index = 1
X1 = 90
X2 = 7110
Y1 = 2520
Y2 = 2520
Begin Label Label2
BackStyle = 0 'Transparent
Caption = "Select a &language : "
Height = 195
Left = 90
TabIndex = 3
Top = 2190
Width = 2535
Begin Line Line1
BorderColor = &H00FFFFFF&
BorderWidth = 2
Index = 0
X1 = 90
X2 = 7110
Y1 = 2070
Y2 = 2070
Begin Label Label1
BackStyle = 0 'Transparent
Caption = "A 'BIG DISK ARRAY' can use a maximum of 3 dimensions : Rows, Cols, Sheets. Each dimension can have a theoric value of 2.147.483.647. However, you're limited to the size of the disk on which the array is defined."
Height = 645
Index = 2
Left = 90
TabIndex = 2
Top = 1350
Width = 7035
WordWrap = -1 'True
Begin Label Label1
BackStyle = 0 'Transparent
Caption = "The 'BIG DISK ARRAY' creates/uses ARRAY (standard variable or type'd variable) on DISK in place of MEMORY. This lets precious memory available for any other application."
Height = 645
Index = 1
Left = 90
TabIndex = 1
Top = 630
Width = 7035
WordWrap = -1 'True
Begin Label Label1
Alignment = 2 'Center
BackStyle = 0 'Transparent
Caption = "The 'BIG DISK ARRAY' demonstrates a part of 'TIME TO WIN' DLL for VB 3.0. Some other routines are used to perform the demonstration."
Height = 465
Index = 0
Left = 90
TabIndex = 0
Top = 90
Width = 7035
WordWrap = -1 'True
Option Explicit
Dim AlreadyLoaded As Integer
Sub Combo1_Click ()
SelectedDrive = Combo1.Text
DirectoryTest = SelectedDrive + ":\t2w_tmp"
End Sub
Sub Command1_Click ()
Dim Erreur As Integer
Dim ErrCode As Integer
Erreur = False
' if no drive with enough space, display error message
If (AtLeastOneValidDrive = False) Then
Call DisplayMessage(frmBigArray, "1", "")
Exit Sub
End If
Rows = Val(nRows.Text)
Cols = Val(nCols.Text)
Sheets = Val(nSheets.Text)
' if the number of Rows is outside range, display error messsage